We believe in mutually beneficial partnerships. As a business owner, you have the chance to host one of our digital TV screens at your location in exchange for Monetary Consideration or Advertising.
- Monetary Consideration: Receive financial compensation for allowing us to place our TV screen at your business. You’ll earn a steady stream of revenue with minimal effort.
- Advertising Exchange: Alternatively, you can opt for an advertising credit, allowing your business to showcase ads on our other screens in a variety of locations. It’s a fantastic opportunity to promote your brand across multiple businesses, reaching new potential customers.
How Does It Work?
- Installation: We install our high-quality, digital TV screen at your location. Our TV screen will display a combination of advertisements from various businesses, organizations, and individuals.
- Content Rotation: Ads are rotated on the screen throughout the day, ensuring a high level of visibility and engagement.
- Ongoing Support: We handle the maintenance and content management of the TV screen.